If you think your pet is unwell after eating our PURINA pet food, please get in touch with us.
Pet Food Products & Packaging FAQs
At PURINA, we're committed to giving your pet the best possible product. If you have any feedback or questions about our pet food products, we are more than happy to hear from you.
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Where we always try to ensure that your pet food reaches you in perfect condition, sometimes accidents can happen. Find out what to do here.
Occasionally, a pouch of pet food may go missing which may be due to human or machine error. If this happens to you, find out what to do here.
Sometimes things can go wrong with our packaging, whether that's in transit or the warehouse. Find out here what to do if you find mould on your pet food.
All our pet food is weighed before it leaves for distribution, but sometimes things can go wrong. Learn what to do if the amount of your pet food seems low.
Sometimes our pet food can have an unusual colour or texture due to our different factories and raw materials used. Find out what to do about it here.